GRAB the 24-HOUR special Pricing and FAST aCTION BONUS! 

ATTENTION! Powerful Manifestors and Dream Achievers Who Are Ready to Create a Wildly Successful 2025:

Discover MY EXACT Blueprint to...
Create Wealth, Freedom and Life with Purpose

*RECOMMENDED Study Guide: Practical Law of Attraction

Let me guide you over the next 21 Days to take powerful action steps to achieve what your heart truly desires, even during uncertain times or when all else has failed! 

What is The 21 Day Manifesting Challenge?

It's The Quickest Way to Change Your Life and Set Yourself Up For Success in 2025!

  • Supercharge Your Manifesting Practices: Techniques designed to boost your energy, turning you into a magnet for your desires
  • ​Law of Attraction Mastery: Step-by-step guidance on mastering the Law of Attraction, enabling you to co-create effectively with the Universe.
  • High-Vibration Meditations: Special meditations to increase your vibrational frequency and open your heart to the Universe's gifts.
  • Guided Video Steps are given to you every day with a new manifesting technique.
  • Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery: Thought-provoking prompts to deepen your self-awareness and align your intentions with your true desires
  • Worksheet Assignments that truly helps you get closer to having what it is that you want!
  • Identify what’s been holding you back and release those old ideas!
  • Create New Empowering Beliefs and implant them into your subconscious.
  • Personalized Manifestation Plan: Tools to create a customized plan, tailored to your specific manifesting goals.
  • Enjoy a beautiful, transformational, life changing experience!
  • ​Have Fun!
  • ​Break through to a new level of success!

*RECOMMENDED Study Guide: Practical Law of Attraction

Are you feeling STUCK on your manifesting path, like something always holds you back? 

You are NOT alone! Many people struggle with hidden mental blocks that limit their potential. 

The 21 Day Manifesting Challenge is specifically designed to help you identify and break through these invisible barriers.

Image a future where your potential is fully realized. 

Over the next 21 Days, you'll gain access to the process that aligns with the life of your dreams.

can you relate TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING?

  • Do You Feel Stuck?: Does it feel like you're stuck in place, unsure about the direction your life is headed? Maybe you're questioning whether you're on the right path.
  • Lack of Clarity: Do you feel like you're wandering through a fog with no clear destination? Without a defined path, starting can be the hardest part.
  • Self Doubt: Are old doubts and outdated beliefs keeping you stuck in place? Not trusting in your own abilities and worthiness.
  • Are You Easily Distracted? Do interruptions make it hard for you to give your goals your undivided attention they deserve so you can stay on track to achieve a new reality?
  • Inconsistent Actions? Do you keep starting a new project or habit, but it only seems to last for a few days? 
  • ​Fear of Failure/Success? Paralysis by analysis. This fear can can paralyze you and prevent you from taking risks or pursuing opportunities.
  • Don't Know How to Manifest? Are you unsure about what steps to take to make your dreams a reality? You've watch others attract success, but for you, it’s just not happening!


If you've Gotten stuck on 'How to manifest,' Then now is the perfect time for clarity and action. I'll Show You how to turn your intentions into reality.

What You'll Learn ...

How to Get Into Alignment So That You Can More Naturally and Easily Attract Your Desires in 21 Days! 

  • Design a Morning Manifesting Routine: one that works for you and will change your life in an incredibly magical way.
  • ​Develop the Abundance Mindset: learn about one of the most important universal law; the law of abundance and how you can move from feelings of lack and scarcity to feeling more abundant no matter what your money situation is currently.
  • Unlock the Power of Your Mind: You've only been using a fraction of your mind up to this point. Clear away the many barriers that have been getting in your ways of when trying to manifest your full potential. 
  • Raise your Energy Vibration: so you can match your frequency with whatever you desire to manifest. 
  • Uncover Limiting Beliefs ... and plant new empowering beliefs into your subconscious, which is truly what holds the key to you being able to attract the life of your dreams.  
  • Powerful visualization techniques ... so that you can tap into the power of your imagination and speed up the process of manifestation. 
  • And so much more .... 

*RECOMMENDED Study Guide: Practical Law of Attraction


Seize this moment to redefine your potential. Your journey from learning to living your dreams starts now.

Why You Should Take The Challenge ...

"You Don't Manifest What You Want - You Manifest Who You Are!"

  • “You want to have more control over your life.” You've been trying but still have not been able to get control of your thoughts, your feelings, and how you react to the negative things.
  • “You want to feel happier.” You know down deep inside that you do have a right to feel more joy and happiness, but the feelings still elude you.
  • ​"You want to experience more abundance."  You've been able to manifest some small things, but you're ready to learn how to manifest the bigger things!
  • “You want to learn how to manifest.” You've tried dozens of times, but it hasn't worked yet. For goodness sakes, it's time to finally make manifestation a reality for you!
  • “You want to let go of feeling stuck and down in the dumps.”  You've had trouble trusting, having faith, and detaching. Life just feels hard. You're ready to release that and move forward.
  • ​“You believe this is can be your best year." You know that you can make 2025 the best year of your life and with a little support, it definitely I can be!

Hi! I’m Victoria Gallagher!

Many people refer to me as a "World-Renowned Manifesting Queen and the Law of Attraction Hypnotist"

I'm going to teach you How to Manifest Like a Pro and I
nspire you to receive all your greatest desires!

As an entrepreneur, hypnotist, best-selling author, coach, speaker, podcast host, and digital creator, with thousands of 5-star rated online resources, I have had the privilege of empowering countless people on their journeys toward success, and unlocking their full potential, to manifest the life you desire. I utilize practical strategies that blend the Law of Attraction with powerful Subconscious Techniques.

My Life Wasn't Always So Great ... 

I used to work as a stockbroker, making great money!  Six figures was pretty damn good even in the late 90'!  

But deep down, I knew I wanted something else, something more. So I began diving into personal growth, which eventually led me to start a side hustle creating hypnotherapy recordings. 

Just four months into this new venture, while the expenses were still exceeding my income, my boss hit me with a tough choice: keep my cushy six-figure job or take a leap of faith with my brand new business. I bet on my dream.

Dreams come with their own set of challenges.  

No one EVER tells you about all the bumps successful entrepreneurs face on the road to success.

For me, It wasn't long before life threw me another curveball — a collapsed lung, which landed me in the hospital for 10 days with no insurance to cover the bills. 

Then, the financial rug was pulled from under me when my ex-husband filed for bankruptcy, leaving me with his debt

Add to that, my own spending habits had not quite adjusted to account for my total loss of income, and I found myself quickly spiraling down the path which lead to my own  bankruptcy.

I found myself at a humbling point, reaching out to friends and family for loans just to stay above water. That's when it hit me hard — I needed a real change, something deeper than the conventional fixes I'd been trying. 

So, I turned to journaling, pouring my fears and tears onto the page. In that process, something cathartic happened.

... It was like something SPOKE to me from the depths of my BEING, after releasing all the emotions and I suddenly KNEW the EXACT Steps I needed to take. 

My humble and emotionally open search led me inward and upward — straight to the Universe or God. Some might call this an awakening or an enlightening experience. You can call it whatever you want.  For me, it was simply the KEY turning point I needed to FINALLY break free and to be able to MANIFEST my new and improved Abundant SELF!

I made a decision to embrace the Law of Attraction wholeheartedly, embodying every lesson and putting it all into action with total  commitment. It became clear to me that this wasn't just about ordinary positive or wishful thinking.  It was way beyond that. It was about rewriting the mistaken BELIEFS in my Subconscious Mind into the TRUTH of the NEW person who I was becoming in order to BE the life I had been dreaming about.

Within 6 months from that day, I turned my first profit. Fast forward to today, 24 years later, here I am , teaching people how to manifest their dreams because I've been doing it for myself ever since. From being broke to building a successful 7-figure business, traveling the world with my soulmate, and living a life I don't NEED a vacation from, though I still do love to see the world.

So ... That's My Story!

Since then, I have made it my MISSION to help as many of my fellow abundance seekers and entrepreneurs as I can to not only NEVER experience what I went through, but to THRIVE and MANIFEST in every area of their life!

SO ... Are you ready to see what the universe has in store for you? 

Let’s get started!

*RECOMMENDED Study Guide: Practical Law of Attraction

Time to bust some myths

Before you invest in this no fluff, no BS, no nonsense course, I'm going to call out the lies you've been fed about Manifesting. No more sugar-coating or magical thinking — let's get real about what Manifestation isn't.


Because there's a mountain of misinformation out there!

Here’s what Manifesting and the Law of Attraction are NOTdespite the popular myths that are steering you all wrong!

It's Not Just Positive Thinking

While positivity is a component, it's not the sole element. Manifestation involves a holistic balance of thoughts, feelings, and vibrations.

It's Not a Quick Fix 

The universe isn’t a fast-food chain. Results don’t always show up overnight. Patience and persistent alignment are key.

It's Not a Shopping List to the Universe 

Apply what you learn with actionable worksheets, aiding in your understanding and implementation of key principles.

It's Not Just Visualization

While a powerful tool, visualization alone isn’t the golden ticket. It must be combined with actionable steps and a true belief system.

It's Not a Magic Wand

You can’t just wave a stick, chant a spell, and expect the universe to hand over your wish list. Manifestation requires action and alignment, not just wishful thinking.


Quite literally, it's the opposite.  The 'STUFF' you want to Manifest, will NOT bring you happiness or peace. Only when you BECOME Happy and Peaceful will you Vibrate at a Higher Level to Manifest that 'Stuff.'

Introducing the 21-Day Manifesting Challenge

A New Approach to Co-Creating Your Reality

You might be wondering, 'What's the right way to manifest?' My 21-Day Manifesting Challenge is designed to answer just that. Here's how we bridge the gap between myths and reality."

  • Clarity of Intention: Clearly define what you want to manifest. Vague desires lead to vague outcomes.
  • Alignment with Core Values: Ensure your goals resonate deeply with your personal beliefs and values.
  • Consistent Focus and Attention: Regularly visualize and contemplate your goals to imprint them on your subconscious.
  • Emotional Synchronization: Cultivate the feelings you anticipate experiencing once your desires are fulfilled.
  • Taking Inspired Action: Beyond thinking and believing, take steps that align with your goals.
  • ​Cultivating Gratitude: Appreciate what you already have and the progress you're making.
  • Patience and Persistence: Understand that manifestation works on its own timeline and requires ongoing commitment.
  • Receptive and Open Mindset: Be open to opportunities and paths that may differ from your initial expectations.
  • Learning from Setbacks: Use challenges as stepping stones and lessons for growth.
  • Reflective Practice: Regularly assess and adjust your approach to manifestation as needed.

The 21-Day Manifesting Challenge is designed to guide you through these principles in a structured, supportive, and practical way. Each day, we'll dive into one of these aspects, providing you with exercises, tools, and insights to master the art of manifestation."

Hey there! I'm Patty Fay. Years ago, I discovered Victoria's programs. Back then, I was 278 lbs, stuck in a dead-end job, and feeling empty.
I decided to try the program, thinking, "What do I have to lose?" Sticking with it meant relaxing and listening, and soon, things began to shift. 

Opportunities flowed, ideas sparked, and the pieces of my life began to fall into place.
I transformed my dead end job into a thriving business. I dropped down to a healthy 168 lbs. I even found myself living in my dream house and driving my dream car.

The most profound realization was that the abundance was in me all along

Victoria's program helped me unlock it.

- Patty Fay

Hi Victoria,

I recently manifested a house using your techniques, and I'm thrilled to share the experience. The real estate market was tough, with bidding wars even for rentals. I had a specific list of desires for the house and refused to settle. When the perfect one appeared, I initially resisted daydreaming about it, fearing I'd jinx it. But then I remembered your visualization technique and went all in, imagining every detail of living in that house, even saving items on my Amazon and Wayfair lists.

The process was so much fun, and by Sunday, I knew in my heart the house was mine. On Monday, the realtor confirmed it! I even used one of the techniques you taught to acquire appliances at great deals. I'm in love with this 97-year-old house in a beautiful neighborhood, and my friends are amazed at how perfect it is for me, especially considering the rent.

Thank you, Victoria, for everything you share. I truly believe I intentionally manifested this, and I'm excited about the possibilities.

- Sonia,  California

I've been fortunate to experience the transformative results of Victoria's work. What draws me to her work is not only the effectiveness but the genuine warmth and care that resonate in her beautiful voice.

Victoria's empathy and talent are truly a gift, and I can sense her sincerity in every word.

I am grateful to the universe for blessing Victoria with such incredible abilities. Her programs have become an essential part of my life, guiding me, inspiring me, and helping me grow. My life is improving day by day, and I feel a profound sense of support and encouragement.

Victoria is more than just a guide; she's like a guardian angel, rooting for me and cheering me on daily. Her programs have not only brought positive changes to my life but have also instilled a sense of confidence, purpose, and inner peace.

I can't express enough how thankful I am for Victoria's presence in my life. My life is better because of her, and I look forward to continuing this beautiful journey with her guidance.

- Catherine Sansone,  Kirkwood, MI

About a month ago, I started Victoria's program, hoping to grow my home business and leave my waitressing job that I hated. 

I was initially held back by my mental dependence on the external income and a lack of faith in my ability to succeed in my business.

After working with the program consistently, I was unexpectedly fired from my waitressing job, which I saw as the Universe's intervention. This pushed me to focus on my home business and try new ideas. My business took off, finding several new income streams, and I now make more than I ever did at my previous job. I'm thrilled to be my own boss, set my schedule, and enjoy total independence. 

I'm happier than I've ever been, all thanks to a small investment in Victoria's excellent program.

- Crystal Hutchens,  Alaska

I was hopelessly single for years and struggled with trying to find a lasting and healthy relationship before a friend recommended I try this product. 

Within 90 days of starting the program, I met the my soulmate. We have since married and had a baby and we are very happy.

- Sarah B,  Toronto, Canada

Victoria and your team,

I want to take a moment to personally thank you for the incredible transformation you've brought into my life over the last 2 to 3 months. Engaging with your programs has been a life-changing experience for me. The insights, wisdom, and practical strategies you've shared have resonated deeply, guiding me to new understandings and empowering me to make positive changes.

I've found immense value in every aspect of your offerings. Whether it's the thoughtful content, the supportive community, or the genuine care you put into your work, everything has contributed to my growth and well-being. I truly believe that you were brought into my life at the perfect moment, and the synchronicity of it all feels both magical and meaningful.

Your programs have not only helped me overcome challenges but have also inspired me to embrace new opportunities and pursue my dreams with confidence. I feel more aligned, more purposeful, and more joyful, all thanks to your guidance.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Victoria, and thank you to your amazing team. You've changed my life in ways I couldn't have imagined, and I'm excited to continue this journey with you.

With deepest gratitude and appreciation,

Jack Quist

I can actually say… “I’m a business owner now, and I’m making money with my idea.” It’s so easy to let other people’s negativity derail you in your quest for financial freedom. I would be extremely motivated, and then someone would say something negative to derail my hopes. That’s why I started this program, and it’s been a God-send… 

Thanks Victoria!

- Stacie Moore,  Atlanta, Georgia

Victoria products changed my life from different angles as I now have more confidence and believes in myself and my capability. I now believe that there is nothing impossible as I can Use the power of attraction to see my dreams and visions comes true.

- Jeanine Adkin,  Dallas, Texas

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Thank you, Victoria, for helping me see that the only limits that exist are the ones we place on ourselves.

Before the program, I was filled with doubt about my abilities. The idea of using the power of attraction seemed out of reach. 

Now I have more confidence and belief in myself and myself. I now realize that nothing is impossible, as I've seen my dreams and visions come to life.

The transformation has been profound. I've achieved goals that once seemed out of reach. 

I'm living proof that with the right guidance and mindset, anyone can tap into their limitless potential and create the life they've always wanted. 

- Hassan Shaibah, Saudi Arabia

Let me SHOW YOU how to manifest your dreamS! 

  • Unlock Creative Power: Tap into your innate creativity to envision and manifest a life that aligns with your most authentic self.
  • Financial Freedom: Discover practical strategies that align with the Law of Attraction to create and maintain wealth.
  • Master Success Habits: Establish daily routines that lay the foundation for continuous achievement and prosperity.

Join me on a transformative journey. With the right approach and guidance, you can turn your dreams into reality. Sign up for the 21-Day Manifesting Challenge today!

You Will Learn to Manifest Your Dreams in 21 Days...

Let go of doubts and fears that keep you stuck. Create a mindset that magnetically attracts positivity. Discover how to turn your biggest dreams into reality.

Your roadmap to turn your dreams into reality. Led by me, Victoria, a worldwide manifestation coach and best-selling author, this 21-day program combines powerful manifestation techniques with effective law of attraction strategies. Each daily module is accessible through an exclusive portal, and is packed with and actionable, life-changing strategies.

Click the Magic Button Below to Enroll Now!

*RECOMMENDED Study Guide: Practical Law of Attraction

What if ... 

You woke up each morning feeling genuinely excited about the day ahead, knowing you’re on a clear path to manifesting your dreams?

You found yourself effortlessly attracting opportunities and experiences that align perfectly with your deepest desires and goals?

You were able to break free from all the doubt and fear, and you stepped into a life where you confidently make decisions that lead you to your ideal future?

You discovered a profound sense of clarity and purpose in your life, allowing you to go through daily challenges with ease?

The goals that once seemed out of reach now feel not only possible but inevitable, as you master the art of manifestation and turn your visions into reality?

You could have an abundance mindset that transforms how you view wealth, success, and happiness, leading to tangible improvements in every aspect of your life?

You developed a deep, unwavering belief in yourself and your abilities, empowering you to take bold steps towards a future you once only dared to dream about?

The relationships in your life flourished because you learned to manifest from a place of love, authenticity, and growth?

You found yourself living in a state of gratitude and joy, no longer held back by past resentments or worries about your future?

Every day you are seeing signs from the universe, affirming that you’re on the right path and that your efforts are paying off?

It CAN Be That Way For You!

Here's How We Do it TOGETHER ... 

watch a video

Each day begins with an engaging video that provides insightful tips and strategies. These videos are designed to inspire and guide you through the principles of manifestation and the Law of Attraction.

daily exercise

 Each day features a unique manifesting exercise designed to put theory into practice. These exercises are practical, fun, and powerful in bringing you closer to your desired outcomes.


You'll dive into a few pages of Practical Law of Attraction. This reading material is designed to deepen your understanding and enhance your ability to apply these principles in your daily life.

complete worksheet

 Use this checklist as your daily guide, including the day's assignments, including watching the video, reading materials, meditating, and performing the manifesting exercise. Additionally, the worksheet includes specific journal prompts for reflection, ensuring you capture and integrate the day's key insights and experiences.


 Daily meditation sessions are included to help you center your thoughts, raise your vibration, and align with the energy of what you wish to manifest. These guided meditations are tailored to foster a deeper connection with your inner self and the Universe.


Concluding each day, you'll have the opportunity to journal. This is a reflective practice that allows you to process your thoughts and emotions, document your journey, and recognize your progress throughout the challenge.

Your Entire Path to Manifestation Mastery is Now Clear!

Are You Ready to Transform Your Dreams into Reality?

Hey there! I'm Patty Fay. Years ago, I discovered Victoria's programs. Back then, I was 278 lbs, stuck in a dead-end job, and feeling empty.
I decided to try the program, thinking, "What do I have to lose?" Sticking with it meant relaxing and listening, and soon, things began to shift. 

Opportunities flowed, ideas sparked, and the pieces of my life began to fall into place.
I transformed my dead end job into a thriving business. I dropped down to a healthy 168 lbs. I even found myself living in my dream house and driving my dream car.

The most profound realization was that the abundance was in me all along

Victoria's program helped me unlock it.

- Patty Fay

Hi Victoria,

I recently manifested a house using your techniques, and I'm thrilled to share the experience. The real estate market was tough, with bidding wars even for rentals. I had a specific list of desires for the house and refused to settle. When the perfect one appeared, I initially resisted daydreaming about it, fearing I'd jinx it. But then I remembered your visualization technique and went all in, imagining every detail of living in that house, even saving items on my Amazon and Wayfair lists.

The process was so much fun, and by Sunday, I knew in my heart the house was mine. On Monday, the realtor confirmed it! I even used one of the techniques you taught to acquire appliances at great deals. I'm in love with this 97-year-old house in a beautiful neighborhood, and my friends are amazed at how perfect it is for me, especially considering the rent.

Thank you, Victoria, for everything you share. I truly believe I intentionally manifested this, and I'm excited about the possibilities.

- Sonia,  California

I've been fortunate to experience the transformative results of Victoria's work. What draws me to her work is not only the effectiveness but the genuine warmth and care that resonate in her beautiful voice.

Victoria's empathy and talent are truly a gift, and I can sense her sincerity in every word.

I am grateful to the universe for blessing Victoria with such incredible abilities. Her programs have become an essential part of my life, guiding me, inspiring me, and helping me grow. My life is improving day by day, and I feel a profound sense of support and encouragement.

Victoria is more than just a guide; she's like a guardian angel, rooting for me and cheering me on daily. Her programs have not only brought positive changes to my life but have also instilled a sense of confidence, purpose, and inner peace.

I can't express enough how thankful I am for Victoria's presence in my life. My life is better because of her, and I look forward to continuing this beautiful journey with her guidance.

- Catherine Sansone,  Kirkwood, MI

About a month ago, I started Victoria's program, hoping to grow my home business and leave my waitressing job that I hated. 

I was initially held back by my mental dependence on the external income and a lack of faith in my ability to succeed in my business.

After working with the program consistently, I was unexpectedly fired from my waitressing job, which I saw as the Universe's intervention. This pushed me to focus on my home business and try new ideas. My business took off, finding several new income streams, and I now make more than I ever did at my previous job. I'm thrilled to be my own boss, set my schedule, and enjoy total independence. 

I'm happier than I've ever been, all thanks to a small investment in Victoria's excellent program.

- Crystal Hutchens,  Alaska

I was hopelessly single for years and struggled with trying to find a lasting and healthy relationship before a friend recommended I try this product. 

Within 90 days of starting the program, I met the my soulmate. We have since married and had a baby and we are very happy.

- Sarah B,  Toronto, Canada

Victoria and your team,

I want to take a moment to personally thank you for the incredible transformation you've brought into my life over the last 2 to 3 months. Engaging with your programs has been a life-changing experience for me. The insights, wisdom, and practical strategies you've shared have resonated deeply, guiding me to new understandings and empowering me to make positive changes.

I've found immense value in every aspect of your offerings. Whether it's the thoughtful content, the supportive community, or the genuine care you put into your work, everything has contributed to my growth and well-being. I truly believe that you were brought into my life at the perfect moment, and the synchronicity of it all feels both magical and meaningful.

Your programs have not only helped me overcome challenges but have also inspired me to embrace new opportunities and pursue my dreams with confidence. I feel more aligned, more purposeful, and more joyful, all thanks to your guidance.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Victoria, and thank you to your amazing team. You've changed my life in ways I couldn't have imagined, and I'm excited to continue this journey with you.

With deepest gratitude and appreciation,

Jack Quist

I can actually say… “I’m a business owner now, and I’m making money with my idea.” It’s so easy to let other people’s negativity derail you in your quest for financial freedom. I would be extremely motivated, and then someone would say something negative to derail my hopes. That’s why I started this program, and it’s been a God-send… 

Thanks Victoria!

- Stacie Moore,  Atlanta, Georgia

Victoria products changed my life from different angles as I now have more confidence and believes in myself and my capability. I now believe that there is nothing impossible as I can Use the power of attraction to see my dreams and visions comes true.

- Jeanine Adkin,  Dallas, Texas

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Thank you, Victoria, for helping me see that the only limits that exist are the ones we place on ourselves.

Before the program, I was filled with doubt about my abilities. The idea of using the power of attraction seemed out of reach. 

Now I have more confidence and belief in myself and myself. I now realize that nothing is impossible, as I've seen my dreams and visions come to life.

The transformation has been profound. I've achieved goals that once seemed out of reach. 

I'm living proof that with the right guidance and mindset, anyone can tap into their limitless potential and create the life they've always wanted. 

- Hassan Shaibah, Saudi Arabia

... and Receive The Special Bonus Package!

*Required Study Guide: Practical Law of Attraction

Register NOW for the 21-Day Manifesting Challenge!

Today Only ... You'll Get This FAST ACTION BONUS PACKAGE!


... available to the First 100 People who Register!

Fast Action Bonus #1 (value $197)

register in 24 hours & receive...

Learn How to Attract Money Using Law of Attraction

  • ​Includes 16 in-depth audio sessions, providing detailed insights and techniques on harnessing the Law of Attraction to attract financial abundance.
  • ​eBook that reinforces and expands upon the audio content, offering a thorough understanding of the principles for attracting money.
  • ​Actionable and specific strategies for using the Law of Attraction to manifest monetary success, tailored for those seeking tangible financial improvements.

Fast Action Bonus #2 (value $97)

register in 24 hours & receive...

The best year ever hypnosis Audio MP3

  • Manifest Your Dream Year: Empower yourself to turn aspirations into achievements. This hypnosis MP3 is designed to help you clearly visualize and actualize your goals, making this year the most fulfilling and successful one yet.
  • Breakthrough Personal Barriers: Overcome limiting beliefs and mental blocks that have held you back. Experience transformative shifts that pave the way for personal and professional growth, setting the stage for a year of triumphs.
  • Cultivate Unstoppable Confidence: Boost your self-esteem and motivation with each session. Feel more confident and capable, equipped to seize opportunities and make impactful decisions that lead to a prosperous and rewarding year.

Fast Action Bonus #3 (value $97)

register in 24 hours & receive...

activate law of attraction meditation audio mp3

  • Harmonize with Your Desires: Align your thoughts and energy to resonate with your deepest desires. This MP3 guides you through the process of attracting abundance, love, and success by tuning into the frequency of your dreams.
  • Transform Thoughts into Reality: Learn to effectively channel your mental power to manifest your goals. Each session empowers you to turn positive thinking into tangible outcomes, leveraging the Law of Attraction for real-life results
  • Elevate Your Attraction Power: Strengthen your ability to attract what you seek. Through consistent practice, this program enhances your intuitive understanding of the Law of Attraction, making it a natural part of your daily life and decision-making process..

Fast Action Bonus #4 (value $97)

register in 24 hours & receive...

The Magic of Gratitude Meditation Audio MP3

  • Fosters a positive mindset, reducing stress and anxiety. Shifts your focus from negative to positive aspects of life, leading to improved overall mental well-being.
  • Increased Happiness: By acknowledging and appreciating the good in life, gratitude meditation helps in cultivating a sense of contentment and joy.
  • A feeling of connectedness and appreciation towards others. This meditation can lead to stronger, more empathetic interpersonal relationships, as it nurtures a sense of thankfulness for the people and experiences in your life.

Fast Action Bonus #5 (value $47)

register in 24 hours & receive...

The Big Book of Law of Attraction Affirmations

  • Extensive Collection of Affirmations: With over 1000 affirmations, the book provides a vast array of positive statements. These affirmations are designed to align with the principles of the Law of Attraction.
  • Huge Variety of Topics: The affirmations cover practically every aspect of life, including health, wealth, relationships, personal growth, and career success.
  • Enhanced Manifestation Techniques: The book serves as a practical tool for those practicing the Law of Attraction. The affirmations are crafted to help reinforce positive thinking and belief systems, essential for effective manifestation and attracting desired outcomes.

What Students Are Saying ... 

Paula Wright

I took Victoria's Program and it was a pivotal moment in my life. Her method for teaching the Law of Attraction is absolutely unparalleled and like nothing I'd ever experienced. I have manifested above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

Joe Mitchell

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the 21 Day Challenge.  It was really, really great! I've been watching all the videos and saying my desire statement daily and I look forward to continuing the process with you and making things happen.

Gregg Patton

For me after the first two weeks of the class, two HUGE things had happened that I could have never even imagined could happen! Your class has been wonderful. The thing that was so helpful was having the discipline to have that desire and intention statement out every single day. 


Thank you very much for a wonderful experience.  I enjoyed every minute. This course helped me to finally accept that I have a job to do which is much bigger than myself. This course has helped change my life.

Alma Cazaras

I feel like I came out loving myself more. I'm a lot easier on myself and more grateful for what I have. I really love the Gratitude Meditation. I'm now more at ease and I have a more positive mindset.

David Vaughn

Since coming onto this course, it's given me more discipline.  I can set goals. I meditate, actively focusing on things I want to focus on. I now believe that you can manifest things if you have the will to do it. So, you taught me a lot and I thank you for that.
Here's Everything You're Going to Receive ... 
When You Join the 21-Day Manifesting Challenge Today!

Get instant access!

  • 21 Daily Online Video Coaching Sessions ($7250 Value)
  • ​21 Downloadable Assignment Worksheets ($420 Value)
  • 7 EXCLUSIVE ​Meditation Audios ($297 Value)


  • ​BONUS: Learn How to Attract Money Using Law of Attraction Mini Course ($197.00 Value)
  • BONUS: Best Year Ever Hypnosis Audio ($97.00 Value)
  • BONUS: Activate The Law of Attraction Meditation ($97.00 Value)
  • ​BONUS: The Magic of Gratitude Meditation ($97.00 Value)
  • ​BONUS: The Big Book of Law of Attraction Affirmations ($47.00 Value)
Total Value:  $8502.00
Regular Price:  $497.00

*RECOMMENDED Study Guide: Practical Law of Attraction


If you're completely content with how your life is unfolding, you likely wouldn't be reading this far down the page. You're here because you're seeking something MORE.

The truth is this offer is simply too good to pass up. Yet, if you don't seize the opportunity to join the 21-day manifesting challenge now, chances are you might never do it. Without taking this step, 2025 will likely follow the same uneventful path as 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019 (Yawn) — without significant achievements.

The 21-day manifesting challenge is your ticket to break free from this cycle.

This isn't just an investment in a program; it's an investment in yourself. For just $24, you're unlocking a door to a new you. Can you really put a price tag on transforming your life? $24 is a small price to pay for a journey that could lead to a future filled with success and fulfillment. 

Ask yourself, aren't you worth this tiny investment?

Any questions?
  • “What exactly is the 21-Day Manifesting Challenge?” This challenge is a structured program designed to help you understand and apply the principles of manifestation through daily activities, exercises, and guided learning over a period of 21 days..
  • “Do I need any prior experience with manifestation or the Law of Attraction to participate?.” No prior experience is needed. This challenge is suitable for both beginners and those with some knowledge of manifestation and Law of Attraction principles..
  • ​"How much time do I need to commit each day?."  Participants should ideally set aside about 30-60 minutes per day to engage with the content and exercises.!
  • “Will I have access to any support during the challenge?.” Yes, you'll have access to our online community forum where you can ask questions, share experiences, and receive support from fellow participants and our team.!
  • “What kind of results can I expect from this challenge?.”  While individual results can vary, you can expect to gain a deeper understanding of manifestation principles, develop a more positive mindset, and start taking actionable steps towards your goals.
  • ​"Is there a refund policy if I’m not satisfied with the challenge?" We offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the challenge within a certain period, you can request a refund
  • ​"Is there any other purchase required to participate in the 21-Day Manifesting Challenge?" While it's not a requirement, we highly recommend working with the book 'Practical Law of Attraction' to complement the challenge. This book will provide you with additional insights and can be used for daily reading assignments to deepen your understanding and practice. However, the challenge is designed to be beneficial even without this additional resource.
  • "How long will I have access to the course?" Once you enroll in the 21-Day Manifesting Challenge, you will have lifetime access to the course materials. This means you can revisit the content, exercises, and resources anytime you need a refresher.
  • ​"What if I have taken it already?" For those who have already taken the challenge, revisiting the course can be a great way to reinforce and deepen your understanding, as well as to stay aligned with your manifestation goals. Each time you go through it, you may discover new insights and perspectives."
  • ​"Can I still participate if I have a busy schedule?" Yes, participants will receive various resources such as worksheets, audio guides, and access to exclusive video content to enhance their learning and practice
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